About VOC

In November 2014, Rex White, the servant and student of God, was called by the voice of God, to “Come Here!” Then, soon after, he was released from the imprisonment of his “body,” transformed into a being-of-light, and then taken to the highest Heaven. Therein, he was gifted with the “Vision of Christ,” and the “Word of God,” along with the following “Pictures” of Eternity:

  1. The Living Universe of God
  2. The Paradise of God
  3. The Lamb in the Center of the Altar of God
  4. The Seven Lampstands, and the 12 Elders
  5. The Four Horsemen and the Bright and Morning Star
  6. The Tree of Life & the Tree of Good and Evil
  7. The Cup of Life & the Cup of Death
  8. The Sea of Glass

Before leaving Heaven Mr. White was told to tell you and the world the following:

Tell Debbie, no telling everyone what you’ve been given, but they won’t believe you until the Appointed Times!

God’s servant spent the last seven years, giving his gift to only those our Heavenly Father sent him to tell, and was prevented by God to share it in the form of a book to the world, in general, until now. The reason being, in 2005, Mr. White was told, “You will not publish a book until you learn to love my children as I do.” With that in mind Mr. White was returned to the earth to work out salvation for himself.

As a student of God in “A Course in Miracles” (ACIM), Mr. White was taught that “Only,” the “Forgiven,” can forgive, and has spent the past seven years learning “True Forgiveness,” which recognizes every living being, not only as a “child of God,” but also an “equal to Christ.” For this is the grace he was shown while in Heaven when he witnessed ten of his closest relatives that had been resurrected, and acquitted, standing directly before him whole, and only loving as beings-of-light, along with countless others surrounding him forever, as he stood in the center of the Altar of God. He witnessed “True Mercy” from Our Merciful Father and has therefore been sent back to earth to tell the world, about God’s Great Mercy, and extend it to all of its citizens.